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L'événement de Nouvel An est le moment par excellence pour réseauter et le célébrer ensemble!
Nous sommes impatients de vous y revoir!
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18h00 Accueil
19h00 Introduction par le président de belfa
AI unstoppable progress: Transforming Humanity and the Built World
Idriss Goossens - Founder & CEO PropTech Lab
It took 16 years to reach 100M Smartphone users, 7 years for internet users, 4 years to Facebook for instance. Where 3 months were enough for #ChatGPT to get to that number. While Sandar Pichai said “Generative AI is the biggest invention since the invention of the fire”, Elon Musk said “it is the biggest threat to humankind”. We are both scared and amazed. It can augment us as a species, or it can kill us. However, we struggle to see disruption in construction & real estate. Let’s deep dive into the most cutting edge applications of AI to our builtworld sector
20h00 Walking reception
23h00 Fin
With over 10 years of experience in the PropTech space, Goossens is the founder and CEO of PropTech Lab, the next generation business club in construction & real estate. 5 years ago, he co-founded the European PropTech Association and he tried to launch his first VC fund of EUR 10m. 3 years ago, he launched RELEVATION (where the US giant CREtech bought 40% of the shares), and he tried to launch his second VC fund, targeting EUR 100m. 2 years ago, PropTech Lab acquired LuxPropTech, and launched RecAp, the ESG accelerator, in a joint venture with
Revive (Belgium's most sustainable property developer, B-CORP certified for 12 years). 5 months ago, he launched the UrbanTech Hub, the first showroom and coworking space dedicated to UrbanTech in Brussels (climate tech, proptech, contech, mobility & energy tech). 1 month ago, he acquired the Czech PropTech
Association, and launched the Iberian Market with PropTech Lab. Idriss is also a member of ULI, and serves as Technology Product Council in Belgium & Luxembourg.
Membres de belfa Young belfa & étudiants : gratuit Professionnels : gratuit Commerciaux : 120 € htva | Non-membres de belfa Professionnels : 100 € htva * Commerciaux : 175 € htva |
* gratuit si vous devenez membre
Professionnels = vous êtes actifs dans les services facilitaires de votre propre entreprise
Commerciaux = vous fournissez des services à des facility managers
Parking : parking payants avoisinants
Annulation possible sans frais au plus tard une semaine avant l'événement via mail office@belfa.be sinon le prix plein sera facturé et dû.
Pour les facility managers (professionnels) membres belfa, étudiants ou young belfa: en cas d'absence à l'événement sans annulation dans les délais, un coût de 50 € hors TVA vous sera facturé.
En raison de circonstances imprévues, belfa peut être contraint d'annuler l'événement ou de modifier le programme.