FM-Day - Congrès & journée de réseautage sur le Facility Management
à l'attention des facility managers et des responsables services généraux et achats
FM-Day est organisé par belfa en collaboration avec FM-Magazine
Le congrès (payant), qui se déroule de 9h30 à 16h00, propose des workshops pertinents. Inscription via le bouton 's'inscrire'
La journée de réseautage (gratuit), qui se déroule simultanément de 9h à 18h, est une large vitrine de produits et de services qui supportent les services facilitaires d’une entreprise.
FM-Day is een organisatie van belfa in samenwerking FM-Magazine
Het congres (betalend), dat plaatsvindt van 9u30 tot 16u00, biedt interessante workshops. Aanmelden kan via de knop 'registreren'
De netwerkdag (gratis), die gelijktijdig van 9u tot 18u loopt, is een brede etalage van producten en diensten ter ondersteuning van de facilitaire services in een bedrijf.
Un keynote speaker et quatre 'top speakers' sur l'actualité FM, les nouveautés produits et services et réseaux dans un cadre attractif : voilà ce que vous propose l'incontournable FM-day! Vous pourrez participer librement aux workshops suivants:
09:00 - 09:30 Accueil
09:30 - 10:15 Keynote speaker - Forget about hybrid. It’s about sustainability (UK)
Isabel De Clercq - connect|share|lead
Hybrid work is not an end in itself. It is a way to achieve a healthy
workplace that fosters sustainable work habits. A workplace that Is the
magic junction where productivity, value creation and well-being meet.
10:20 - 11:00 Sustainability trends for facility management (uk)
Nicolas Van Den Bossche - Encon
The latest and most important trends around sustainability and sustainable
buildings that Facility managers will encounter in the future.
11:00 - 11:30 Pause et journée de réseautage (exposants)
11:30 - 12:10 Digital technologies, key for energy and carbon reduction (uk)
Floriane de Kerchove - Agoria
How can digital technologies contribute to the reduction of carbon emissions?
Which technologies are the most promising by 2030 and in which sectors?
12:10 - 14:00 Pause déjeuner et journée de réseautage (exposants)
14:00 - 14:40 Blurring Plinths (uk)
Mauro Brigham - ncbham
Office buildings are in dire need of resurrection in this rapidly changing
world, the hybridization of activities in building plinths seems to be spot
on the social needs people and companies are craving for. Why is this?
What are they? Is there a blue print to create them?
14:45 - 15:20 Pause et journée de réseautage (exposants)
15:20 - 16:00 Recognition and positive perception of the employer promise (uk)
Olivier Lefevre - Randstand Group
Don't be unique but authentic!
A strong employer brand not only makes it easier for employers to attract
people. They also keep them longer. In addition, a strong employer brand
has a positive impact on employee engagement. They identify more easily
with an employer that has a strong employer image and are therefore more
inclined to make extra efforts for their employer.
16:00 - 18:00 Journée de réseautage (exposants)
Participation au congrès (payante)
Le catering et la visite du salon sont compris dans le prix. Vous êtes automatiquement inscrits pour la journée de réseautage.
Visite de la journée de réseautage (gratuite)
Vous pouvez vous inscrire pour la journée de réseautage uniquement, il est néanmoins obligatoire de le faire via le site!
Tarifs 'early bird' jusqu'au 28/02/2023 - PROLONGE JUSQU'AU 7 MARS 2023!
Membres de belfa Young belfa & Etudiants: 109 € htva Professionnel : 159 € htva Commercial : 209 € htva | Non-membres de belfa Professionnel : 209 € htva * Commercial : 259 € htva * |
Tarifs à partir du 08/03/2023
Membres de belfa Young belfa & Etudiants: 149 € htva Professionnel : 199 € htva Commercial : 249 € htva | Non-membres de belfa Professionnel : 249 € htva * Commercial : 299 € htva * |
* Devenez membre et profitez dès maintenant d'un tarif avantageux. Une adhésion est valable 12 mois. Membre professionnel = 180 € hors tva. Membre commercial = 360 € hors tva.
Annuler ou modifier votre inscription ne peut se faire que par mail à au plus tard 1 semaine avant le congrès, sinon le prix plein sera facturé et dû.
En raison de circonstances imprévues, belfa se réserve le droit d'annuler l'événement ou d'adapter le programme ou le lieu.
FM-Day s’adresse aux Facility Managers, aux responsables Services Généraux & Achats et aux dirigeants d’entreprises.
Découvrez toutes les facettes d'un domaine en pleine évolution!
Votre événement où l'apprentissage et le netwerking est mis à l'honneur
• 100% de résultat
• Compact: vous recevrez un maximum d'information en un minimum de temps
• Orientation pratique: vous aurez une mise à jour des thèmes FM qui vous
préoccupent quotidiennement
• Source d'inspiration: vous découvrirez comment d'autres collègues gèrent les
questions complexes du FM
Cinq raisons de ne pas manquer le FM-Day 2023!
a. Le Facility Management en pleine mutation
- Du catering au BIM, de la gestion de l'espace à la mobilité... le management facilitaire a considérablement évolué au cours de cette dernière décennie. Les années à venir également promettent d'être passionnantes. La professionnalisation de la fonction de facility manager nécessite une formation continue en matière de législation, des outils et des techniques. Cette discipline est de plus en plus importante sur le plan stratégique dans de nombreuses entreprises.
b. Présenté par des spécialistes de haut niveau
- Faites la connaissance des orateurs de haut niveau qui contrôlent les diverses facettes du facility management dans les plus petits détails. Ils ont hâte de vous donner les conseils pratiques pour une meilleure gestion du management facilitaire au sein de votre entreprise. To-the-point, no-nonsense et objectif. Grâce à cette information, vous garantissez le niveau de qualité de vos décisions et de vos avis.
c. Dans un cadre agréable
- Nous déroulons le tapis rouge pour vous dans un lieu raffiné. Vous pouvez laisser votre casse-croûte à la maison, car pendant les pauses vous recevrez des petits amuses bouches ainsi qu'un walking dinner. Les participants reçoivent une documentation complète. Après le congrès, vous recevrez toutes les présentations (y compris celles des workshops que vous n'auriez pas suivis).
d. Avec de nouveaux contacts
- Ce congrès vous offre plus que des workshops informatifs. Cet événement est également le moment idéal pour rencontrer des collègues d'autres secteurs et des prestataires de services. Vous découvrirez comment ils abordent des questions complexes du management facilitaire. Vous y ferez de nouveaux contacts pour l'avenir.
e. Avec une remise exceptionnelle pour les membres belfa
- Vous êtes déjà membre belfa? Vous bénéficiez dès lors d'un tarif intéressant. Devenez membre et profitez dès à présent du tarif avantageux pour nos membres. L’affiliation couvre une période de 12 mois.
Forget about hybrid. It’s about sustainability.
Isabel De Clercq - connect|share|lead
Hybrid work is not an end in itself. It is a way to achieve a healthy workplace that fosters sustainable work habits. A workplace that is the magic junction where productivity, value creation and well-being meet. In this inspiring 45-minute keynote, Isabel De Clercq gives you 7 tips to make that quest for good and sustainable work a success.
Sustainability trends for facility management
Nicolas Van Den Bossche - Encon
With more than 20 years of experience, Encon has developed its own unique take on sustainability. It will make you look at sustainability in a different way and feel inspired to future-proof
your organizations and clients. An overview of different labels will be provided and made tangible with Infinity the headquarter of Encon as an example.
Digital technologies, key for energy and carbon reduction
Floriane de Kerchove - Agoria
Digital technologies can contribute to the reduction of carbon emissions in other sectors.
A study conducted by Agoria and Accenture in Belgium shows that fifteen digital technologies are set to reduce C02 by 5 times more than the total digital emissions by 2030.
This reduction is made possible by the implementation of these technologies in the 4 most carbon intensive sectors (manufacturing, building, mobility and energy).
Blurring Plinths
Mauro Brigham - ncbham
Mauro Brigham, creative director of NCBHAM and chairman of AINB (Belgian Association of interior architects) explores the complexity of building plinths. Pivotal spaces of growing complexity to cope with fast-changing needs.
From evolving workplaces to indispensable food experience, empowering technology, hybrid retail models, and adaptable spaces, a contemporary successful design needs the alchemy of multiple ingredients and an ambitious vision as workframe.
Recognition and positive perception of the employer promise (uk)
Olivier Lefevre - Randstand Group
Don't be unique but authentic!
A strong employer brand not only makes it easier for employers to attract people. They also keep them longer. In addition, a strong employer brand has a positive impact on employee engagement. They identify more easily with an employer that has a strong employer image and are therefore more inclined to make extra efforts for their employer.
A strong employer brand does not come naturally. After all, it brings together a lot of issues: what is the talent I need today? Which talent is present? And what are the talents for tomorrow? An increasingly scarce labor market, the accelerated digital evolution forces companies to step into the ring and compete to attract and retain the (desired) talent. And today the candidate has the choice. Candidate is king or queen! So how do I make sure that I am perceived as an employer, appreciated and chosen by the candidate. And last but not least, how do I make sure they stay? And also Facility Management plays an important role here!
Mauro Brigham - Creative Director and Founder
Born in 1977 in Lisbon, Portugal, Mauro Brigham lived in the coastal city of Figueira da Foz, before emigrating to Antwerp, Belgium at the age of 15. He graduated interior design in the St Luc Arts school in Saint Gilles, Brussels.
At the age of 26, creates BHAM design studio and starts a series of challenging projects such as the multi-award-winning Steenokkerzeel’s water tower transformation into a family house or the highly successful MAKISU restaurant chain.
He co-founds in 2013 NCBHAM, and becomes the creative director of the creative agency composed of interior architects, architects, designers, strategists, food consultants, 3D artists, an illustrator, urban anthropologist, and workplace consultants.
He is the chairman of the Belgian Interior Architecture Association, AINB.
Isabel De Clercq
Creating a spark. Inspiring people. Translating an infectious vision of the future into practice. That is what Isabel does best.
Isabel De Clercq started her professional career as a researcher at the University of Ghent. And it was there that her interest in self-leadership, knowledge sharing and the power of technology was awakened. Her substantive expertise was honed in the various roles she took up at Wolters Kluwer Belgium, first as a change manager and later as a content marketing officer. At the start of Het Nieuwe Werken in Flanders in 2012, she launched the successful online community ‘About The Future of Work’. In 2015, she responded to the Digital Workplace wave by setting up conferences and workshops. She then expanded her network worldwide.
Since 2018, she is an international keynotespeaker and facilitator. Her mission is to guide organisations in their quest for good work and the development of sustainable work habits.
She is also the author of several management books: Social Technologies in Business, Vernetzt Arbeiten and Hybrid Work – A Manifesto. She is also the creator of the successful podcast Hybride – een duurzame kijk op werk. A compilation of crystal clear insights. A joy to listen to.
Floriane de Kerchove - Senior Advisor Advocacy Digital
Floriane works for Agoria, the Belgian federation for the technology industry (>2000 members). Since 2 years she has been responsible for Government Affairs for Europe for digital and she is the vice-president of the Executive Board of DigitalEurope. She also conducted a large study about the contribution of digital technologies to carbon emissions reduction (2022). Before that she was leading lobby and communication actions for the Telecom infrastructure deployment in Belgium (especially 5G). She also had a more diversified experience as Director Agoria Brussels during a period of 10 years. At that time she was also chairwoman of a newly created training center for digital skills ( and was the driving force behind its launch and development.
And finally, before Agoria, she worked as an advisor for various Ministers for policy domains such as smart mobility, financing of SMEs or entrepreneurship (2002-2004). She had her first professional experience in an audit company (BDO).
Olivier Lefevre - Management consultant
His approach: we make the difference in co-creation
His credo: Thank you past, for the lessons learned. Welcome future, for the opportunities you bring!
His path to success: inspire and most importantly be inspired.
"Olivier started his career in the journalistic world as an extension of his studies and was active there for several years. Like no other, Olivier knows the importance of strong and consistent communication, both within organizations and to the outside world.
After a few years Olivier opted for the HR world where he has now held several roles and functions, in support of the operational business, but also at a strategic level. Olivier has been active within the Randstad Group for almost 15 years where he has fulfilled various roles: he took care of managing the commercial team, he realized the development of a sales support cell and was director of the public sector. Today he works at Randstad Consultancy as a lead consultant, of which employer branding is an important part. He works closely with Jan Denys, our founder of the annual employer brand study, and he has already developed employer brand workshops and strategies for both private and public companies.
He therefore invariably starts every keynote with: "war for talent is over, talent has won!"
Nicolas Van den Bossche - Sustainable Development Manager
As a sustainable development manager for Encon, Nicolas supports companies with creative and innovative solutions in their journey to become more sustainable.
Localisation et parking
't Bauhuis est situé au cœur de Sint-Nicolas. Sint-Nicolas en central par rapport à Gand et Anvers, et la proximité de la gare garantissent une bonne accessibilité. Parking gratuit de
't Bauhuis. Dans les environs immédiats, il y a encore trois grands parkings payants (à côté du parking Noordlaan et du parking couvert Stationsplein et Siniscoop).
Transports en commun
't Bauhuis est facilement accessible en transports en commun. Cela peut se faire aussi bien en bus qu'en train. La gare de Sint-Nicolas se trouve à proximité.
Een keynote speaker en vier topsprekers over actuele FM onderwerpen, de nieuwste producten & diensten én netwerken in een sfeervol kader: dat is wat de niet te missen FM-day je te bieden heeft! Je zal vrij kunnen deelnemen aan volgende workshops:
09:00 - 09:30 Ontvangst
09:30 - 10:15 Keynote speaker : Forget about hybrid. It’s about sustainability (UK)
Isabel De Clercq - connect|share|lead
Hybrid work is not an end in itself. It is a way to achieve a healthy
workplace that fosters sustainable work habits. A workplace that Is the
magic junction where productivity, value creation and well-being meet.
10:20 - 11:00 Sustainability trends for facility management (uk)
Nicolas Van Den Bossche - Encon
The latest and most important trends around sustainability and sustainable
buildings that Facility managers will encounter in the future.
11:00 - 11:30 Pauze en netwerkdag (exposanten)
11:30 - 12:10 Digital technologies, key for energy and carbon reduction (uk)
Floriane de Kerchove - Agoria
How can digital technologies contribute to the reduction of carbon emissions?
Which technologies are the most promising by 2030 and in which sectors?
12:10 - 14:00 Lunch pauze en netwerkdag (exposanten)
14:00 - 14:40 Blurring Plinths (uk)
Mauro Brigham - ncbham
Office buildings are in dire need of resurrection in this rapidly changing
world, the hybridization of activities in building plinths seems to be spot
on the social needs people and companies are craving for. Why is this?
What are they? Is there a blue print to create them?
14:45 - 15:20 Pauze en netwerkdag (exposanten)
15:20 - 16:00 Recognition and positive perception of the employer promise (uk)
Olivier Lefevre - Randstand Group
Don't be unique but authentic!
A strong employer brand not only makes it easier for employers to attract
people. They also keep them longer. In addition, a strong employer brand
has a positive impact on employee engagement. They identify more easily
with an employer that has a strong employer image and are therefore more
inclined to make extra efforts for their employer.
16:00 - 18:00 Netwerkdag (exposanten)
Deelname aan het congres (betalend)
Catering en bezoek aan de netwerkdag is in de prijs inbegrepen. Je bent automatisch ingeschreven voor het bezoek van de netwerkdag.
Bezoek aan de netwerkdag (gratis)
Je kan je alleen inschrijven voor de netwerkdag, registratie is niettemin verplicht via!
'Early bird' tarieven tot en met 28/02/2023 - VERLENGD TOT EN MET 7 MAART 2023!
Leden van belfa Young belfa & studenten: 109 € excl. btw Professionelen : 159 € excl. btw Commerciëlen : 209 € excl. btw | Niet belfa-leden Professionelen : 209 € excl. btw * Commerciëlen : 259 € excl. btw * |
Tarieven vanaf 08/03/2023
Leden van belfa Young belfa & studenten: 149 € excl. btw Professionelen : 199 € excl. btw Commerciëlen : 249 € excl. btw | Niet belfa-leden Professionelen : 249 € excl. btw * Commerciëlen : 299 € excl. btw * |
* Word lid en geniet vanaf heden van een voordeliger ledentarief. Een lidmaatschap is 12 maanden geldig. Lid professional = 180 € excl. btw. • Lid Commercial = € 360 excl btw.
Annuleren kan enkel via mail naar tot 1 week voor het event. Nadien is het volledige inschrijvingsbedrag verschuldigd.
Door onvoorziene omstandigheden kan belfa genoodzaakt zijn om het event te annuleren of het programma te wijzigen.
FM-Day richt zich tot Facility Managers,aankopers en bedrijfsleiders.
Ontdek alle facetten van een vakgebied in volle ontwikkeling!
Jouw onmisbaar leer- en netwerkevent
• 100% de resultaat
• Compact: je krijgt een maximum aan informatie in een minimum van tijd
• Praktijkgericht: je krijgt een update van FM-thema’s die je dagelijks bezig houden
• Inspirerend: je ontdekt hoe collega’s complexe FM-vraagstukken aanpakken
Vijf redenen waarom je FM-Day 2023 niet mag missen!
a. Facility Management in volle ontwikkeling
- Van catering tot BIM, van space management tot mobiliteit, hybride werkplekken... FM is het voorbije decennium ingrijpend gewijzigd. En ook de komende jaren beloven boeiend te worden. De professionalisering van het beroep van Facility Manager vereist een permanente bijscholing in wetgeving, hulpmiddelen en technieken. Bovendien wint dit vakgebied aan strategisch belang in vele ondernemingen.
b. Gepresenteerd door topspecialisten
- Maak kennis met topsprekers die de diverse facetten van FM tot in de details beheersen! Zij kijken ernaar uit om je praktijktips te geven voor een beter FM-beleid in jouw onderneming. To-the-point, no-nonsense en objectief. Met deze informatie houdt je de kwaliteit van jouw beslissingen en adviezen perfect op peil.
c. In een aangenaam kader
- Wij rollen voor je de rode loper uit in een verzorgde locatie. Jouw lunchpakket mag je thuislaten, want tijdens de pauzes kan je genieten van lekkere hapjes en een lunch.
d. Met nieuwe contacten
- Dit congres biedt méér dan informatieve workshops. Het event is ook een ideaal moment om kennis te maken met collega’s uit andere sectoren en dienstverleners. Je ontdekt hoe zij complexe vraagstukken in FM aanpakken. En je legt nieuwe contacten voor de toekomst.
e. En met een uitzonderlijke congreskorting voor belfa-leden
- Ben je belfa-lid? Dan geniet je een aantrekkelijke congreskorting. Word lid en geniet vanaf heden van een voordeliger ledentarief. Een lidmaatschap is 12 maanden geldig.
Forget about hybrid. It’s about sustainability.
Isabel De Clercq - connect|share|lead
Hybrid work is not an end in itself. It is a way to achieve a healthy workplace that fosters sustainable work habits. A workplace that is the magic junction where productivity, value creation and well-being meet. In this inspiring 45-minute keynote, Isabel De Clercq gives you 7 tips to make that quest for good and sustainable work a success.
Sustainability trends for facility management
Nicolas Van Den Bossche - Encon
With more than 20 years of experience, Encon has developed its own unique take on sustainability. It will make you look at sustainability in a different way and feel inspired to future-proof
your organizations and clients. An overview of different labels will be provided and made tangible with Infinity the headquarter of Encon as an example.
Digital technologies, key for energy and carbon reduction
Floriane de Kerchove - Agoria
Digital technologies can contribute to the reduction of carbon emissions in other sectors.
A study conducted by Agoria and Accenture in Belgium shows that fifteen digital technologies are set to reduce C02 by 5 times more than the total digital emissions by 2030.
This reduction is made possible by the implementation of these technologies in the 4 most carbon intensive sectors (manufacturing, building, mobility and energy).
Blurring Plinths
Mauro Brigham - ncbham
Mauro Brigham, creative director of NCBHAM and chairman of AINB (Belgian Association of interior architects) explores the complexity of building plinths. Pivotal spaces of growing complexity to cope with fast-changing needs.
From evolving workplaces to indispensable food experience, empowering technology, hybrid retail models, and adaptable spaces, a contemporary successful design needs the alchemy of multiple ingredients and an ambitious vision as workframe.
Recognition and positive perception of the employer promise (uk)
Olivier Lefevre - Randstand Group
Don't be unique but authentic!
A strong employer brand not only makes it easier for employers to attract people. They also keep them longer. In addition, a strong employer brand has a positive impact on employee engagement. They identify more easily with an employer that has a strong employer image and are therefore more inclined to make extra efforts for their employer.
A strong employer brand does not come naturally. After all, it brings together a lot of issues: what is the talent I need today? Which talent is present? And what are the talents for tomorrow? An increasingly scarce labor market, the accelerated digital evolution forces companies to step into the ring and compete to attract and retain the (desired) talent. And today the candidate has the choice. Candidate is king or queen! So how do I make sure that I am perceived as an employer, appreciated and chosen by the candidate. And last but not least, how do I make sure they stay? And also Facility Management plays an important role here!
Mauro Brigham - Creative Director and Founder
Born in 1977 in Lisbon, Portugal, Mauro Brigham lived in the coastal city of Figueira da Foz, before emigrating to Antwerp, Belgium at the age of 15. He graduated interior design in the St Luc Arts school in Saint Gilles, Brussels.
At the age of 26, creates BHAM design studio and starts a series of challenging projects such as the multi-award-winning Steenokkerzeel’s water tower transformation into a family house or the highly successful MAKISU restaurant chain.
He co-founds in 2013 NCBHAM, and becomes the creative director of the creative agency composed of interior architects, architects, designers, strategists, food consultants, 3D artists, an illustrator, urban anthropologist, and workplace consultants.
He is the chairman of the Belgian Interior Architecture Association, AINB.
Isabel De Clercq
Creating a spark. Inspiring people. Translating an infectious vision of the future into practice. That is what Isabel does best.
Isabel De Clercq started her professional career as a researcher at the University of Ghent. And it was there that her interest in self-leadership, knowledge sharing and the power of technology was awakened. Her substantive expertise was honed in the various roles she took up at Wolters Kluwer Belgium, first as a change manager and later as a content marketing officer. At the start of Het Nieuwe Werken in Flanders in 2012, she launched the successful online community ‘About The Future of Work’. In 2015, she responded to the Digital Workplace wave by setting up conferences and workshops. She then expanded her network worldwide.
Since 2018, she is an international keynotespeaker and facilitator. Her mission is to guide organisations in their quest for good work and the development of sustainable work habits.
She is also the author of several management books: Social Technologies in Business, Vernetzt Arbeiten and Hybrid Work – A Manifesto. She is also the creator of the successful podcast Hybride – een duurzame kijk op werk. A compilation of crystal clear insights. A joy to listen to.
Floriane de Kerchove - Senior Advisor Advocacy Digital
Floriane works for Agoria, the Belgian federation for the technology industry (>2000 members). Since 2 years she has been responsible for Government Affairs for Europe for digital and she is the vice-president of the Executive Board of DigitalEurope. She also conducted a large study about the contribution of digital technologies to carbon emissions reduction (2022). Before that she was leading lobby and communication actions for the Telecom infrastructure deployment in Belgium (especially 5G). She also had a more diversified experience as Director Agoria Brussels during a period of 10 years. At that time she was also chairwoman of a newly created training center for digital skills ( and was the driving force behind its launch and development.
And finally, before Agoria, she worked as an advisor for various Ministers for policy domains such as smart mobility, financing of SMEs or entrepreneurship (2002-2004). She had her first professional experience in an audit company (BDO).
Olivier Lefevre - Management consultant
His approach: we make the difference in co-creation
His credo: Thank you past, for the lessons learned. Welcome future, for the opportunities you bring!
His path to success: inspire and most importantly be inspired.
"Olivier started his career in the journalistic world as an extension of his studies and was active there for several years. Like no other, Olivier knows the importance of strong and consistent communication, both within organizations and to the outside world.
After a few years Olivier opted for the HR world where he has now held several roles and functions, in support of the operational business, but also at a strategic level. Olivier has been active within the Randstad Group for almost 15 years where he has fulfilled various roles: he took care of managing the commercial team, he realized the development of a sales support cell and was director of the public sector. Today he works at Randstad Consultancy as a lead consultant, of which employer branding is an important part. He works closely with Jan Denys, our founder of the annual employer brand study, and he has already developed employer brand workshops and strategies for both private and public companies.
He therefore invariably starts every keynote with: "war for talent is over, talent has won!"
Nicolas Van den Bossche - Sustainable Development Manager
As a sustainable development manager for Encon, Nicolas supports companies with creative and innovative solutions in their journey to become more sustainable.
Ligging en parking
'’t Bauhuis bevindt zich in hartje Sint-Niklaas. De centrale ligging van Sint-Niklaas, tussen Gent en Antwerpen, en de nabijheid van het station staan garant voor een vlotte bereikbaarheid. Gratis parking van 't Bauhuis. In de directe omgeving zijn er nog drie grote betalende parkings (aansluitend parking Noordlaan en verder de overdekte Stationspleinparking en Siniscoopparking).
Openbaar vervoer
''t Bauhuis is zeer goed bereikbaar via het openbaar vervoer. Dit zowel met de bus als met de trein dankzij het station van Sint-Niklaas dat vlakbij ligt.
Exposer à la journée de réseautage sur le FM?
Contactez: - Tel:+32 (0)56 77 13 10
Exposeren op de netwerkdag over facilitair management?
Neem contact op met: - Tel:+32 (0)56 77 13 10
Au cours de cet événement, des photos seront prises qui pourront être utilisées dans notre FM-Magazine et sur notre site internet. Vous pouvez indiquer à tout moment que vous n'êtes pas d'accord avec l'utilisation d'une photo en adressant une demande écrite à
Tijdens dit evenement zullen foto's worden genomen die eventueel zullen worden gebruikt in ons FM-Magazine en op onze website. Je kan te allen tijde aangeven dat je het niet eens bent met het gebruik van een foto, door een schriftelijk verzoek te richten aan
Date et heure
30 mars 2023
't Bauhuis
9100 Sint-Niklaas